Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I’m not usually one to use such language, but this IS the name of a website!  It was started by a young woman whose husband was killed unexpectedly WITHOUT A WILL.  In addition to all the heartache, she had many gigantic headaches trying to get things handled.  He paid the bills and she didn’t know the passwords.  Did he even have life insurance?

Fortunately, she is sharing her anguish and nagging the rest of us to get this stuff handled.  She has her website and a Facebook presence.  She even sends me monthly reminders.  I think she has written a book!  Please check it out.

So today I met with an attorney.  Since I want to control things from the grave, she suggested a Trust.  While drawing on the whiteboard she explained that a Trust is like a bucket.  You put in all your assets and while you are alive, you get to hold the bucket.  You can put things in and take things out.  In my case, when I’m gone, my bucket goes into two buckets (one for my daughter and one for her son ... more buckets if she has more kids) with my dear nephew holding the buckets.  He has written instructions on what he can do with what is in the bucket.  Along with my confidence that he will interpret my wishes if they are not stated specifically.

This attorney is amazing.  She explained everything in language I could understand, without talking down to me.  She was gentle with the tough questions and offered suggestions that made so much sense.  Obviously she’s been through this before (ten years worth).  What a blessing.

AND ... for passwords my same wonderful nephew (who is smart, totally into technology, as well as kind and erudite) turned me on to an online password keeper.  Now he only has to know my master password and the program saves all of my sites and sign in names and passwords for us!  Previously I had started a list but my goodness ... I even sign in to to get personalized deals!  I could make a list of bank accounts and and credit cards but I don’t think I could even begin to think of all the little things that must be handled. 

Including turning off this blog!

P.S.   (It’s called 1Password


  1. Having all your legal stuff taken care of before something happens to your health sure makes it easier for your family. Don and I had just done wills and power of attorneys a month before he had his stroke. I still shutter to think of the mess I would have been in if we hadn't. Of course I had to do mine all over again once he passed.

  2. Whew! Glad to have this one checked off my list. We have half done them several times. We had simple wills individually (I did them on the computer!) but it was time to get serious. Now for that glass of red wine! (Sometimes I have to make myself wait until 7pm!)



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