Sunday, September 29, 2013

MEOWI - Part 3

This will be the last segment on the meanspiritedness of my neighborhood.  

Ralph and I were snowbirds.  Each year spending more time in Maui than in Oregon.  But while we were away from Maui, we would let friends come enjoy our slice of paradise.  Usually it was one or two people at a time.  Once it was my sister, hubby and two college kids.  One friend needed to find herself and she stayed a month!  Usually it was just a week or two.

For some odd reason, sharing our delight ticked off the neighbors.  Our guests were not party animals or bad citizens in any way, so I am not sure what the beef is ... except a continuation of the cat issue.  While we were in Oregon we received a strongly worded, threatening letter from the HOA attorney telling us to "cease and desist" using our home as a vacation rental.

What?  We wrote back saying we were NOT using our home as a vacation rental, or any kind of rental, but if we ever did ... we would be sure to read up on the rules and regulations, County and subdivision.

The HOA president continued to push the accusations so this time we did hire an attorney.  We are not breaking any rules by sharing, even if some friends left behind their camping stuff, or snorkel stuff or partial bottle of nice liquor.  Since we did not ask for these items as part of the deal of using our home, it is not considered "rent" despite what this illogical man thinks.  And the County agent said their guidelines stipulate friends and family are perfectly okay.  It was worth the $3,000 to put this idiot back into reality.

Their basis that we were "renting" was a note taped on our front door to our cleaning lady (who didn't show up at her assigned time and our great neighbors, Bob and Paula, who kept an eye on our place while we were away, had left her a note saying she had to come within the next two days as our guests were due to arrive).  Someone (too bad I can't name names here ...) stepped onto our property, took the note and photocopied it to send to the HOA.  (Now you see why I have the cameras?  Trespassing and theft for starters?).

Long story short, we also met in person with the HOA management company reps and they agreed the president over stepped his bounds (after first defending him saying he was merely acting as a concerned home owner ... do you think I, as a concerned home owner, could incur such a legal bill with nothing but a note to a housecleaner?)

The good news?  The president was forced OUT OF OFFICE.  He was allowed to say he "stepped down" after all of his years of great accomplishments.  Whatever.  The end result is fantastic!

We then began the final phase of upgrading our landscaping, this time we tackled the front.  Since our back deck is in the blazing afternoon sun, we wanted to add a small sitting area in front.  For some reason, no one else has a front porch or deck or lanai ... we all simply sit in our driveways with cheapo webbed lawn chairs and folding TV tables.  And drag it all back into the garage.  I felt like a hillbilly!  We had approval from the HOA from a few months ago to build it.  During construction, we decided to increase the width of our driveway with stepping stones so that two cars would fit comfortably, side by side.

That's when we discovered that he was still on the Design Review Committee!  He wanted to put a stop to the whole process (even though he himself has stepping stones and rocks to widen his driveway!) which continued to sound like sour grapes to the remaining Board, the Committee and even the Management Company.

So the whole project was APPROVED by the new Board President!

Despite the glares of several cat people who live in close proximity, I enjoy the new front wine bar (or iced tea!) a lot!  I wave to everyone who drives by.  I talk to those walking their dogs.  I would talk to anyone walking a cat as well.  The kids next door enjoy my cabinet of kid stuff so my driveway always has chalk art.

We decided to go with rocks to deter cat poop and save the time, energy and money of having to mow (because by now, we were having to PAY someone to do it).  Each plant has it's own drip on the sprinkler system.  My water bill is now HALF of what it used to be.  This was a work of art (and lots of sweat equity ... 153 each of 75 lb bags of white granite) by many of our Maui friends as Ralph became too weak to finish his vision.  He did, however, enjoy sitting out and bossing Bob and Gary and Al and Chico.

Thanks Mr. Ralph!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful landscaping! The white stones was a great idea for the cat issue. I am ever lucky to gave good neighbors but it only takes one to change the whole neighborhood. What a pain in the neck to have to sue to prove what you already knew to be true.



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...