Some say curiosity killed the cat. But I seem to get curiouser and curiouser as I grow up, despite the caveat. Mostly about how my contemporaries really live. Just the day to day stuff, nothing philosophical or spiritual (yet).
ANTHROPOLOGY is the study of humankind, past and present, that draws and builds upon knowledge from social and biological sciences, as well as the humanities and natural sciences.
See? I'm not just being nosy, I'm an anthropologist! Oh, don't worry ... I'm not publishing results of my findings. I'm simply eager to learn how other ordinary people live as compared to me. My questions are mainly for females ...
How much sleep do you get each day and what is your sleep schedule?
Do you sleep with the TV on? Music? White noise?
How often do you shave your legs?
Do you brush your teeth and floss every day? Once? Twice? More?
Showers? Every day? Every other day? Less? More?
Housekeeping. Do you do your own or do you have help?
How often do you wash your car?
Do you balance your checking account every month?
Have you tried "alternative" medicine? Accupuncture, naturopathic, meditation, hypnosis, etc?
Do you park close to your destination or at the far end of the parking lot so you get in some walking?
Sleep nude or in some kind of clothing?
Have you used microwave meals rather than cooking? How often?
Do you do your own taxes or get help?
If you have pets, do you talk to them? Let them sit on your lap? Sleep with them? Teach them tricks?
How often do you exercise enough to make you sweat?
Do you include a fruit or vegetable with every meal and snack?
Do you light candles for no reason, just your own enjoyment?
When you have a meal, do you watch TV while you eat or sit at a proper table?
Do you wear make up every day or just for special?
Vitamins and supplements? Yes or no? Daily?
I'm sure I could come up with 100 questions I'd love to compare answers with. Anthropologist or nosy old lady?
You decide.