Thursday, September 19, 2019


Ahhhhh!  I am officially old.  And I embrace it. (Because there is no choice)
I'm going to go natural with my hair (I can always change my mind, right?).  Looking through all the old photos to do the previous blog, I think I can do the makeup thing each morning.  I timed myself today and it was five minutes.  But then I have to count taking it all OFF every evening.  That takes a little longer and I'm sooooo lazy at night.

Yesterday I got the good news that my cataract is (actually both eyes) officially bad enough to be removed (and covered by insurance). What a lot of decisions ... do I want to see long distance?  Close up?  One of each (and hope my brain can accommodate it)?  Or trifocal lenses?  I'm going with long distance, as my latest pair of specs are that instead of trifocals.  So I will use readers for close up.  One in the purse, a pair next to my bed, maybe one around my neck?  Then I will officially be looked at as old!  (Unless I can find leopard print)

 True Granny style 

 I could make these work  

          or these???

The bad news?  My insurance only covers the facility that is 45 minutes (with normal traffic) and 4 towns away.  I was thinking of asking for my Village for a pick up ride but when I was sent the rule book this morning, they usually only agree to 15 miles one way (and this is 20).  Maybe I could ask a friend but the pick up is right at the start of rush hour traffic.  Momma and the boys may have to make the drive.  The scheduler said she wasn't sure they would let me take an Uber (although how in the heck would they know??)

On Monday I scheduled a colonoscopy.  What a pain in the ....!!!   Again, the only place my insurance will cover is a 30 minute drive from home.  So I scheduled it for right after Kate takes the boys to school.  Then she may have to swing by and pick up the boys and have all of them drive out to retrieve me.

To top this all off ... yesterday I used my grabber.


  1. They need someone who will stay in the facility during the surgery in case something goes wrong. That's what I was told.

    I will have to make the same decision and your reasons for choosing the way you do makes sense. I do a lot of close up crafts but I hate not being able to see long distances to drive. Hard choices!!!!!!

    1. It was a big decision. Mr. Ralph was going to do the one eye for distance and one for near. Only got one done so had to remove a lense from all of his reading glasses so he could see up close!

      Dr also said colors may seem brighter and more true. Cataracts put an orange/brown tint on things. I'm just excited to be able to drive past 7pm!

    2. I wonder what they would expect my driver to do in case of an emergency?? But you are RIGHT ... both procedures require my person stay. Jesse will have to Uber to pick the boys up on the cataract day!

  2. Can't wait to see your new look! I think arranging rides is the hardest part for medical appointments where they don't want you driving after procedures.

  3. I agree the arranging for rides to and from a procedure is a pain. I got a grabber this year and find it handy, I pick up my daily newspaper with it plus the cat and dog food bowls twice a day.

    1. I was amazed how well the grabber worked. My parents had an old cheap one that was very flimsy and hard rubber at the grabbing point. This one is like having another real hand!

  4. It willb e a hard choice for me. My insurance actually covers the "I will never need to wear glassses again except for reading option" but I've worn glasses since I was ten (not contacts) and walking around with noglasses would be a shock for me and everyone else. I have never looked back on the white hair thing, but I know we all are different. I need a grabber. and possibly a walker just for standing up after being in my soft furniture since it wotn be replaced until after the holidays.

    1. I've worn glasses since third grade but I'm up for a new look!

      GET A GRABBER! Best thing ever. The boys enjoyed picking up their toys using it ... even Legos!

  5. Wise decision about your hair and like you said, you can always change your mind. I think I like the idea of a grabber. I think we have one here from hubby's parents. Its challenging picking up things from the floor when my grandson is over and we are putting toys away (teaching him at 3.5 years old to put things away when he is done with them). Here in Phoenix they have a company that provides driving services to get people to their appointments similar to Uber but just medical appointments. I think its an essential service, how many people have trouble getting to appointments due to distance, availability of others to take them, etc? Perfect example. Hubby has eye appointment tomorrow and they will be dilating his eyes. I'm working and couldn't get the day off. So he's Ubering there and back since he can't drive after the eyes are dilated. I even read they are starting an Uber type service for kids under 18 to be safely taken from place to place (supposedly kids under 18 are not to be taken alone without a parent in an Uber; I think that's commonsense) but this new company screens their drivers and they have to have 5 years of working with kids, squeaky clean driver's license record and "criminal" record.

    Now having said all this, glad you are staying on top of your health maintenance issues!


    1. What a month of medical necessities! It will be so liberating to be able to see at night! Can't wait for them BOTH to be done!

  6. I'm going to love your natural hair look. Are you getting it cut short?
    I am nearing the time for cataract surgery and feeling kind of scared about it. Really, the hardest part is getting someone to drive me there and back.

    1. I did get about 1.5 inches trimmed, so it is chin length...I may go a little shorter next time. But I love it! If I keep it curly style (easiest for almost-curly-enough hair), it's hard to see the white.

      Transportation IS the big problem! Both events are a bit outside my Village guidelines for using them. But I think I've timed them alright as I never mind waiting ...



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...