Sunday, September 15, 2019


Here I am again.  Needing (wanting?) a change in my hair.

It is finally rid of every centimeter of red and long enough for a great ponytail.  The last color and cut was in June so I'm looking scraggly if nothing else.  But mainly I have about 2 inches of WHITE (grey) roots.  Yes, if I had made an appointment earlier I probably wouldn't be thinking about how much I would save by NOT having my hair colored every 6-8 weeks.  Not only are the chemicals bad for me, it hits my pocketbook pretty hard.

I will go shorter for sure.  I only put my hair in a ponytail when I'm washing or lotioning my face.  But at least I know my hair is still growing ... that's a positive for a Baby Boomer, yes?

Going grey means I would have to put on make up every single time I go out of the house.

This was about age 23 ... look at those eyebrows!  Totally white.  When I was little, ladies in the restroom would ask me if my Mom bleached my hair.  I thought who on earth puts Chlorox on their hair????

Mostly grey.  But too short.

Top view of totally grey ... is it too much pink scalp showing?

Maybe just an inch longer than this.

This was TOO HIGH MAINTENANCE ... white came through in 4 weeks!

This is most recent with the HAT that always gets compliments.

Or should I go wild?

I'm posting this early as my appointment is on Thursday.  Be brutally honest!


  1. I love the color of grey you have naturally! It's really more silver-white than grey. You have so much hair you might as well have some fun with a high-style cut...but not that one above. I don't like the one-sided shaved look.

  2. I agree with Misadventures of Widowhood. If you later decide you don't like the natural color, you can go back to coloring it. Good Luck!

  3. Stay natural. I am in the same position but I have had short hair for decades. It took only three haircuts for the colour to be cut off! I am still pondering whether I'd look younger if I dye it again but it's such a hassle. At a certain point I think having dyed hair looks too unnatural.

    1. Hi Jan! Great to meet you. Thanks for the vote. I know I will look OLDER (right? It's the hair that does that, right??) thus the need for make up.

      Just learned today that I qualify for cataract removal so glasses only for close up stuff.... so reading glasses strung around my neck ... totally the Gramma look. I used my grabber for the first time today. I officially love being 67!

  4. I would go with whatever color your hair would naturally be. I colored for a long time very 6-8 weeks and saw the expense in it and decided to go "naturale." Surprisingly I got so many compliments afterwards of the color of my hair Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it will fit you perfectly to a "T".


    1. I'm with you on this ... the EXPENSE! I go to a friend's daughter who gives me the friend and family discount and it's still too much. So I'll go for great cuts and try being white again!

  5. I love, love, LOVE the photo where it is white and you say it is "too short".

    1. My face is too fat for short hair. Should I ever get rid of my extra 50, I may go short again, like yours. Might even let Jesse cut it! He does the boys (and his own!) and is really darned good. Short hair requires more frequent cuts!



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