Saturday, October 20, 2018


Kids pick up on everything.  Sometimes I suggest that we not have the news on around them.  I went in the boys room the other day to see what Deacon was up to ... he ordered "don't come in here, Gramma!  We are evacuating because of hurricane flooding".  Four and a half.

The kidults have a busy day today so I volunteered to take Braeden (almost 8!) and his fragile cereal box creation to school today. 

As my reward, I stopped by Starbucks and got myself a coffee and brought Deacon a warm vanilla steamer and a giant bagel.  I reminded him to take a small sip to be sure it wasn't toooo hot.  "Can you please bring me a icicle to cool dis off, Gramma?"
Braeden's favorite phrase (of Second Grade) "You don't have to remind me, Gramma, I'm not a baby anymore"  This kid practically gets himself up and off to the bus by 7:30.  Takes a shower every morning (it wakes me up!)  The parents now have morning school duty and lunch packing.  I just don't want to get up that early!  I treat once a week for lunch when there is something that he thinks he will like ($3.50!)  The school puts out the menu every month.  His favorite is breakfast for lunch.

Deacon needed to use the bathroom after I had finished and apparently I didn't smell like a rose that morning.  "What dat tinky mell?" I told him.  "Make bacon, Gramma!"  Since he had just had breakfast I asked "are you still hungry and want bacon?"  "No!  Make bacon and our whole house mell good!"

Following that, Braeden showed me that I should light a match!  Others in this family do that. Living close together .... no secrets!

My most favorite so far was last night.  Braeden wanted to get some of his money to buy something from the School Store.  I have a safe in my room, so I got his envelope for him.  He decided on $3 and then asked "can I give some of my money to the poor people" "did you know some kids are not as lucky as me?"

My heart melted.


  1. Replies
    1. Make bacon! Really? Doesn't that just solve everything?

  2. My heart melted through this entire post. I can't believe that Braeden is almost 8. What a big boy he is to take a shower and get himself ready for school. And Oh! I love the cereal box project. Seriously.

    Striking a match. I'd forgotten that trick. I'll have to get H a box of them and leave them by the toilet.

    1. That project took him a week and 1,274,980 gallons of glue and 80 feet of tape. Very proud of himself!

      Really!? What is this not smelling like a rose thing? Never had this problem (and the flatulence) until I hit 60!

  3. You certainly are helping to raised some really, thoughtful and wonderful boys!

    1. I mostly just listen. Little people are so interesting!



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