Thursday, January 7, 2021


Oh it doesn't really matter what you call it, I am still enjoying my solitude.  Probably because I have built-in company any time I want.  My kidults are also introverts which makes us one big happy family!

The boys now enjoy music while playing indoors.  Happily, the parents don't like it too loud and my room deadens everything but the bass.  I think the kids mostly enjoy bossing Alexa around.  (She's helpful with school work as well but the parents caught on to that quickly).  

Just when I think it might be safe to GO somewhere (indoors), another story comes in the news that makes me put my keys away.  Now that virus is morphing?  Will this be a hundred year pestilence?  

Thank goodness for the internet!  Anything I would ever want to read or listen to or learn is right at my fingertips.  And plenty of entertainment.


  1. I've always been an introvert and my husband was an extrovert. Worked out well. Since he died I've had to put myself out there more thus I organized my Gathering Girls group but, of course, the pandemic put an end to that except for a few group emails and texts which aren't too successful because half the ladies aren't computer literate.

    1. Apparently we were that way also. I have a very tiny circle of friends and we talk once a month. It's just right for me. With 5 siblings and 25 cousins, just keeping in touch with family is a full time job!

  2. Can you be a combination of both? Although my friends consider me an Extrovert, I am fine with the forced isolation of the Pandemic. But, I do meet people over Zoom often.

  3. I'm an extrovert with introvert tendencies, so I guess that's balanced out well for me to have recluse happiness and yet enjoy people too. I do think Pandemic has altered Social Behavior and since Humans are Social Creatures it isn't Natural for us to be Isolated for too long.



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...