Sunday, April 25, 2021


I love learning new things and short cuts and saving money.  Every once in a while I ask friends about their favorite apps, especially the younger generation. They do EVERYTHING on their phone and scoff at boomers who have printers!  How they can fill in forms and email or pdf or png and send astounds me.  I'll do apps next week.

I first heard of cold brewed coffee while living in Maui.  I had it steamed hot because I couldn't imagine drinking cold coffee ... especially first thing in the morning.  The best benefit of cold brew coffee is lower acidity.  Then I tried it cold.  Now we make our own and I drink it cold, with cream.  Even in the winter!

Put your favorite flavor of ground coffee beans in the sieve like tube, gently pour purified water into the tube, then let rest in the fridge for at least 12 hours.  

As we ladies age, it seems hair begins growing all over our faces.  Mine started with just a mustache.  When Kate was about 8, she exclaimed "Oh cool, Mom!  I didn't 
know you could grow a mustache!"  I thought since my hair was so light, no one would notice.  Off to have it waxed away.  That is a very spendy monthly habit. 
While commiserating with a friend, she told me about a tiny facial shaver that she uses.  Keeps one in the car for when the sunshine shows one she never noticed before.  I keep mine in my bedside basket and use it a few times a week while watching Hulu.

Oxo's ground meat chopper is a miracle in our kitchen.  We eat a lot of ground meat, including chicken and turkey, and the boys do not like big chunks.  Kate and Jesse would spend 20+ minutes breaking up bits with a wooden spoon or spatula.  Oxo's device has three prongs so does the job in one third the time!

And my favorite!  Foam old time rag rollers.  I've been using these for several years.  My hair is thin and a bit wavy, but not enough to look sexy beach girl curls without a little help. These get used with my short hair and now with my pandemic long white hair.  How did I ever sleep with hard rollers???

Share one of your secret joys?


  1. I'm going to have to try the cold press brew. I see it at Starbucks. I do like cold coffee but I usually just have left over coffee from the morning that I put in a glass and refrigerate until afternoon.

    Those rags fascinate me. Going to find a video that shows how to use them.

    1. My stomach is getting sensitive in my old age. Cold brew is soooo smooth. If I get it from Starbucks, I ask for a larger cup and extra ice. Then I can sip it all day long!

  2. I don't drink coffee so I have never tried it cold.
    I do drink Ice cold Diet Pepsi in the morning and sip on it all day.
    Does that count? It has caffeine in it. LOL

  3. The seniors at our online senior club clued us all into a low acid coffee that comes in different roasts and also decalf.we ordered it online and even using less than the full amount It is delicious and doesn’t bother our is called simpatico low acid is made in Indiana. Check it out online simpatico.



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