Saturday, December 23, 2017


My teeth are straightening and my bite is changing.  I'm about halfway through my Invisalign process.

These simple, clear teeth guards are amazing!  The dentist (and the manufacturer and the inventors) suggest keeping them on for 22 hours out of each day.  Well ... this is impossible for me!  You can only drink water while they are in and I have an old lady schedule.

I sip coffee for almost two hours in the morning while I read the online newspaper, email, favorite blogs and Facebook.  In the evening, I have my red wine slowly over another two hours.  The dentist said I "can" drink coffee and red wine with them in my mouth but boy do they get discolored and I am too embarrassed to wear them in front of people.  I tried it with just one set.

So instead of getting new sets to use every two weeks, I wear mine for three weeks.  So the end game is a little further down the road than originally planned.  So far, I think they are really worth it for me!  I'm just in awe of this technology and how well it is working for me.  Sure, there's a bit of time and care involved.  I invested in a special cleaner to scrub mine with just to get that dog-attracting odor off after having spent the night in my mouth.  (Toothpaste just wasn't doing it!)  I brush my teeth more frequently and I decided to have my teeth professionally cleaned every three months rather than every six.

Those Stanford college students perfected an awesome idea!


  1. Have you written about this before, or am I just forgetful? I checked out their website and it sure looks interesting. What made you decide? My alignment is so far off I'd have to have my jaw broken and reset. When you get all done I hope you'll show us your before and after shots.

    1. I wrote when I first got them. I don't think you'd need your jaw broken ... may just take a few months longer of gentle movement. Dentist has shaved some tooth away in between teeth to be able to let the other teeth movie. I will show before and after!!!

    2. Can't wait to see them.

      I bite the side of my mouth ALL the time, my bite plate has shifted a lot since I was younger. Gives me a lot of trouble with face pain.

    3. Check out the Invisalign website for some before and after photos. I'll post mine by the end of next year.

  2. I had perfect teeth. Nicely aligned--perfect.
    Two years ago I noticed my bottom ones were becoming crooked. I figured it was from the two lower crowns I had, but the dentist insists---this crookedness come with age. I ain't buying it!!!!!

    1. Yes, our teeth continue to move throughout our lives. Like our noses, ears and feet keep growing! But if they don't bother you or cause root canals from improper bite, no need to do any thing.



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