Sunday, February 27, 2022


Last week was a frustrating First World collection of situations.  Why doesn't the Cosmos spread these things out over time?

I received an email from my insurance company saying my auto pay was rejected.  First I checked with my credit card to be sure it was working.  Then online with American Family and was unable to set up these two payments for auto pay ... response was these accounts are being managed elsewhere.  ????  I called Customer Service and it was an estimated 16 minute wait.  I emailed my agent.  After several back and forth emails, she was going to ask someone to help figure it out.  The next day she said nobody had a clue ... I said well, I just won't pay until someone lets me know how.  Later that day she took my credit card info over the phone.  Waste of time!

When I tried to log into my property management account to check on a possible duplicate payment, I was unable to use my client name and password.  I emailed Ashley, our Property Manager, to ask what the problem might be.  She dashed back a form email "welcoming" me to our condo portal and gave me a different name and ridiculous password.  She had the workers change everything after I asked her to please remove Mr. Ralph's name (it's been 9 years) and to not send the boys separate snail mail letters about something or other regarding community rules .... which was explained away by new help.

She also told me that access to the portal would not show me charges and payments but she could access that info and explain to me.  Nevertheless, I got in and my account showed an unknown charge of $225.  And an overpayment of one month.  I wrote her back, explained I would not send a check this month and to remove the unknown charge.  She suggested I use their click pay service (using my checking account) and the $225 was the title transfer fee to put condo in the name of the Lockhart Family Trust.

Don't you think someone would let you know if you would be getting a bill for that much BEFORE they did it?  For some reason, that just seemed usurious.  I went into Googleland and learned Oregon is one of 13 states that don't require buyers or sellers to pay any transfer taxes when a piece of property changes names but not hands.  I sent her that information 15 days ago and no response.

I really should STOP writing this blog as I am getting madder and madder.  But just ONE more ....


Internet.  I got an email saying we were close to our limit for data usage.  What the ???  I just had to change our account AND use their hardware to be able to buy UNLIMITED usage.  Imagine me spending 20 minutes online with a customer service rep whose accent was so thick I had to have everything he said repeated.  Oh sorry ... email was a mistake.

That evening at homework time, our internet shut itself down. I rebooted the router, twice.  Nothing.  I could see the neighbors wifi addresses but not ours.  Grudgingly, I called again.  His English was perfect but he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.  After much nonsensical conversation, he suggested that I call Apple because everything on Xfinity's side was working just fine.  I had to hang up.  Rebooted one more time and we were back in business.

Three men in our community of 112 homes died that same week.  One surprise and two were very ill.


  1. Wow! I hate the frustration of doing business online but sometimes it's unavoidable. I got a snail mail letter recently too that took up a lot of time to straighten out and like you in the end I was told it was a sent by mistake. We can't win!

    1. I know these are so minor in the scheme of the world these days, but GOSH it was a lot of hassle for just one week!

  2. These kinds of things drive me absolutely crazy. I thought the Internet/computers were supposed to make out lives easier?

    1. It was a maddening week, for sure... Add that to huge downpour rains and I was down in the dumps!



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