Thursday, March 21, 2019


It's happening more and more.  Adjusting my life to accommodate aging.  Yesterday I bought a set of Corelle dishes ... just like my Mom had.

Before we downsized, I had so many sets of dishes.  Service for 8 in black, service for 8 in white (and loved mixing and matching them), my Mom's china, pasta set for 10, two sets of Christmas dishes (first set from my mother-in-law) and my everyday Dansk.  Can you tell we liked to entertain?  I think I was famous for my table settings.

The Dansk dishes are getting chipped and I worry where that glass goes?  I don't want anyone to accidentally swallow it.  Nor do I want it to damage the old dishwasher.  These dishes are heavy.  And they got heavier every day.  Hard for the boys to carry them to the kitchen after eating ... they usually have to use two hands per item, so it took two or even three trips.

The Corelle is amazingly light!  I can hold 5 large dinner plates the way I hold 1 large Dansk dinner plate.  I bought only the right sizes of items that we would use.  It's been very helpful not wasting food!  The boys and I use the lunch size for almost every meal.  The parents (young with great metabolism) use the 10 1/2" inch dinner plate.  Two sizes of bowls as well.

Last week I took the AARP Safe Driving course.  I learned a lot of tips there about compensating.  It is now recommended that you hold the steering wheel at 8 and 4 rather than 10 and 2.  Senior drivers seem to oversteer (like if a squirrel runs out in front) which causes more accidents.   Using the lower hand position lessens the amount of turn.

Portland is a big bicycle town.  It was suggested that we open our driver car door with our RIGHT hand, as many bike/car accidents are bikes running into sudden opening of car doors.  Try that out.  To do it, your body turns to the left and it forces you to look out further to the left prior to opening.  If you haven't taken this $15 class (6 hours!), I highly recommend it.  You might even get a discount on your car insurance!

Now I always bring at least two reusable bags with me and if I'm not doing self check out, I ask the check out person to pack them with the weight divided equally ... instead of one big heavy bag.  Which helps a lot as the boys are being trained to come help bring in my purchases.

My sister gave me an idea to practice balance .. while brushing my teeth!  It's getting better and better.  I'm consciously standing straighter after seeing photos of me looking like a slump frump.  Haven't lost any height yet! 5' 7" of Gramma!

My daughter gave me advice on making my walking shoes into slip on walking shoes (they will not let me get velcro until I'm 90).  Having two little guys who are always changing shoes, they've tried different kinds and like Hickies the best.  We take shoes off in the house, I and HATE tie shoes.  I have to sit to tie or untie ... which would be easier if I lost some weight in my tummy area!  Ugh.


These things come in so many colors and sizes.  Depending on number of grommets on your shoes (kids of course are different in size than adult due to width).

I think I should really call this blog Aging Gracefully.  Any little changes for the better!


  1. Do the Hickies stay hooked forever after you fasten them the first time? I like the elastic shoe laces because you can put them on and off without untying or retying. But I like Lock-Laces the best, they are also elastic but have a locking device.

    The heavy china gets us all as we age.

    1. Well, they stay hooked as long as you want to use them. Once you get them fitted how YOU like, they do stay locked. Individually. Then IF you need it looser or tighter in just one area, it's an easy fix. We felt the Lock Laces weren't as flexible for us. But they are rated No. 1!!!

      Oh gosh I love the light weight dishes. My wrists are happy helpers now!

  2. You're young so at this time, it is easier to age gracefully. You get to be around 79-80 and...well, I'll just say the only grace I have is what God sends me. I noticed the other day, I staggered a bit while I was walking from car to store. My balance is pretty good, but I now slump. I never slumped! At 5'10" I kept perfect posture because there's nothing worse then seeing a tall woman slump. Where did you and Jean get your nose thingies? I want to start using one.

    1. You can compensate at ANY age. Every time you walk or stand, remind yourself to straighten up! No need to be the hunchback of Michigan!!!

      Got the nose things from Amazon ... the box has 4 different sizes. I hope if I need replacements I can buy just my size. Pretty sturdy plastic so easy to wash and sanitize!



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