Friday, June 8, 2018


Or maybe I am retiring altogether.

The past five years of blogging have been good for my soul.  It helped me handle my grief and share my life.

Lately I have not been investing my time in blogging.  Life is good and busy and fun.  School is out next Monday and our routine will just be getting busier.  I moved back to Oregon to help my kidults with the kiddos.  Now that I've removed the stress of being micro-managed on the HOA Board, retired from 7 years of writing and/or editing the monthly newsletter, and dialed back on volunteering ... I'm choosing to spend this extra time and energy on my kids and my health.

You have my email address if you want to keep in touch.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading YOUR blogs.  My goal now is one Gramma post on Facebook per day.



  1. Oh, no! I will miss your posts but I do understand. Priorities and goals and needs change. Don't forget, you can always do an update on your blog if the mood strikes you. I do one on my old blogs once a year just so they won't get purged out of the system.

    Best of luck!

  2. Aloha to you !!! Get out there and live and enjoy your life!

    love Julie Mason :-D

  3. I will miss you so much. I have been very absent from the internet recently and got a shock when I read this post. I hope you enjoy your break or retirement from blogging. I'm rooting for it to be only a break, but I do understand. I've really taken a break from blogging recently and I'm trying to get back on a schedule. Enjoy your offline life! Bella



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...