Sunday, December 5, 2021


So many friends have hobbies.  My sister-in-law makes several quilts a year.  Others knit, cross stitch or crochet.  My sister is a fabulous cook and tries many ethnic kinds of food, mostly vegetarian.  They garden.  Some do photography.  Hiking.  Biking.  You know, actual real world hobbies.

Me?  I've tried all of the above but nothing sticks.  My hobbies are email, blogging, texting, social media, phone calls and volunteering. Now that I've written the words ... I do have a hobby!  Computers.  (I do need to add something physical to this but so far all I do is talk about it).

Discovering new software is thrilling to me.  Currently, I am learning Canva, an online design program that I use for my volunteer job with the food pantry.  To help me learn, I do many of my Facebook posts using Canva.  After a few projects, I upgraded from the free version to have more versatility.  I feel so creative.  Also on my learning curve are Instagram, Twitter and NextDoor.

For more fun, I play Words with Friends with family, friends and new challengers.  Search is a game where you try to find words with a page full of letters ... horizontal, vertical, at an angle and from top to bottom or bottom to top.  My Mom got me started with word games!  (Thanks Mom).

I may even become famous because of my hobby.  This past week I was interviewed by Paula Span, NYT columnist who writes "The New Old Age" column.  She had a post on FB asking if any of us "over 60" peeps if we have had any medical virtual visits and what we liked or didn't like.  I had just had one that morning (initial visit with Doc who will be doing my colonoscopy) so I responded.

Thanks for stopping by and reading!


  1. I am a geek too! Love playing with new software, spent half my day on my laptop, blogging, reading. Love to cook so use my laptop for recipes. Love to read. Love to knit and embroider. Love going to museums, and walking around my city.

    1. Hi, Fellow Geek! I just looked at YOUR blog! I'll be coming back for more ... I couldn't figure out how to have new posts emailed to me ....

  2. You do have hobbies and have every right to proudly state them when asked.

    1. Well, I really enjoy them and that's what matters the most, right? You do SO many things!



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