Thursday, August 15, 2019


Well, I have succeeded in keeping the boys busy and happy and tuckered out.  They went to sleep at 8pm tonight!  Of course I am even more tired!

We've been to the pool every afternoon.  I wait til 4pm so I don't have to lather on the sunscreen as the pool is mostly shaded by then.  They still love to bring toys!  The parents don't usually let them because it's a process to get them to gather everything up and carry everything back.  But Gramma's have way more patience.

We finally visited the "authentic" Hawaii shave ice shop about 15 minutes from home.  It was 89 degrees today and they were quite cooling.  Over 50 flavors and up to 3 flavors on a dish ... you can imagine how long that took!  I had orange creamsicle ... with a tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle.

Tuesday night we did the unthinkable!!!  I did not have them clean up the living room/playroom before bedtime!!!  They looked at me in total disbelief!!!  I said "when the cats' away, the mice will play" and got to explain that saying.  They giggled all the way to bed.  Wednesday night every single thing was back in its place ... better than usual!  Even the flip flops were lined up.

I'm thinking of having Mr. 5 year old do his own laundry.  Including folding and putting away.  This kid changes his clothes a million times a day.  We tried giving him a basket to put his clothes in so he could wear them more than 27 minutes.  

Good Night!


  1. Maybe the laundry detergent you use is making his clothes itch when he wears them too long. Happens to me. If you have him do his own laundry buy him some gentle, no scent, no dye detergent and see if that helps.

    That shaved ice looks great!

    1. I might try that. He doesn’t complain, and always has a reason for the new outfit. One night he put on dress clothes because he was inviting hi brother to a fancy dinner. By candle light!

  2. That shaved ice looks delicious! I bet it hit the spot on that warm day! So cute with your grandson and his changing clothes! Got to appreciate his imagination though!


    1. That shave ice was the real deal! Owners lived in Hawaii before being transferred to Oregon. YUM.

      Mr. 5 is a funny little man. He has a reason for changing EVERY time. The sun is not out Gramma. Now the sun is out, Gramma. And so on!

  3. You know what? I like the idea of Mr. 5 learning to help with his own laundry. It may end up being more work for you right now but it'll pay off in the future:) I bet they'll remember their night of "When the cats'away, the mice will play."

  4. My kids started doing their own laundry at 10 years old.
    They thought it was quite a privilege.
    Each one had a different day--Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
    They soon learned if they wanted to wear that white shirt to school and it was in the bottom of their dirty clothes basket, they better get it laundered.



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