Thursday, December 2, 2021


My older brother passed away December 1.  

The Doctors convinced his wife to put him on Do Not Resuscitate on Monday.  He would seem to make improvement for a day or two and then he would be worse.  He's been in ICU since June 28.

Two days later his body went into septic shock.  His wife asked them to try dialysis again but they would not.  

It was his time to go.  


  1. So sorry for your loss. But half a year is a long time to be in ICU. I hope in time your sister-in-law will accept that letting him go was the right thing to do for him and for her.

  2. I am so sorry. He seemed to be getting better. So, so hard to let go.

    1. It seemed like he got a little "better" each time a sibling visited. Like he rallied for them.

  3. After all those long months in ICU, your brother knew what he had been through and what was ahead and he was tired of it all and ready for his transition. Your SIL is probably dealing with guilt--mad at the docs for not trying more (which would have failed anyway). Eventually she will have to deal--like we all have--that all that could be done was done. Let their Dear Souls rest in peace and just keep going. I'm sorry for your loss.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. What a roller coaster ride.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a sibling. Wishing healing for you and your family.

    1. Oh, thank you. Good to see you are online! I miss your blog

  5. Thank you for updating us on your brother. It sounds like there was really nothing more that could have been done for your brother. I am glad that some of the family were able to visit him before he passed away. I do hope your SIL will be able to move forward with her life while she grieves the loss of her husband.

  6. Modern medicine brings us many miracles, but it also forces us to make decisions we never would have had to make in the past. As you said, it's a roller coaster of a time. Guilt is bound to be a part of it, and perhaps it "should" be so that we make considered and sound decisions and not hasty ones. Still, there was a decision to be made. I'm glad my father made his intentions clear, repeatedly, before he landed in a terrible situation. We four siblings knew exactly what decision he would want us to make, but it still took a terrible toll for a while.



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