Sunday, December 26, 2021

★★ ąŋɖ ɬɧɛ ɖąყ ąʄɬɛཞ ƈɧཞıʂɬɱąʂ ★★

We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Kate made a huge spread of food for snacking.  The table was very Christmasy with lots of candles (battery powered flickering style) and greenery.  Turkey, ham, two kinds of cheese, homemade honey mustard pretzels, little smokies in sweet/sour sauce, bright bell pepper rings, carrots, cucumber, celery, chips and salsa, three kinds of crackers topped off with two kinds of cookies!  And we all watched the movie "The Christmas Story" about the little guy who wanted a BB gun.

My kinda celebration.

The little guys are such a mix of young boys and teenagers.  They each got t-shirts with their favorite rappers on the front and some bling.

Stuffed animals and their first video gaming device.  Clothes of their favorite sports teams.

And to all a Good Night!



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...