Sunday, August 23, 2020


These characters never stop.  I am having the best time of my life (so far).

Parents are teaching the boys how math comes in handy in daily life. As well as enhancing their taste buds for all things home made.

I think this was pancakes.  Note the recipe taped to the cabinet for easy reference.  A few days later, little guy wanted Sloppy Joes for dinner.  Big guy asked if they could make dinner for all of us.  Mom looked up a sloppy joe recipe (not Manwich from a can!) and had him make 1.5 times the recipe.  It was a lot of calculating and measuring but he did it all (with a bit of paper, pencil and Mom suggestions).  Little guy cut carrot coins and divided them by 5 so we all had the same amount.  They were respectful of my low carb lifestyle and gave me just half of a bun!

One day this week they wanted to have a tea party.  I bought a blue (more manly looking) tiny tea set in a wicker basket a year or two ago on Whidbey Island.  It's hard to explain how much they love it ... and use it!  

The tea set has very very tiny cups so before Covid, I would look for things for a medium size tea service.  Of course, they use the tiny cups for the first round or two.  Then move up to the bigger cups.  I found a small bright colored tray, a cup with a saucer, a tiny tea pot for a tea bag holder and a demitasse cup.  At the Dollar Store or Goodwill.  We also have a nice selection of tiny spoon and forks because miniature ANYTHING is just more fun.

Yesterday Mom cleaned out and organized our fridge (this makes life so much easier!). With five people in and out and looking for things and rarely putting them back in the same place, this is a necessity.  I had to drink hot fresh brewed coffee one day because I didn't see the cold brew (now bottom shelf on the right)

This morning when Mr. Big went to the fridge to decide what to have for breakfast, he was ecstatic to see the fruit all in one spot ... so he asked if he could make fruit for everyone.  Parents already had home made buttermilk pancakes on the menu but said YES to fruit to hold them over.

Amazing?  There was half of a peach and half of an apple to start with.  He put a blueberry inside EACH raspberry.  And the look of pride on that big guys face?  Priceless.

Happy, happy Grandma.  My new Covid long white hair look.  May keep it so I can just toss it up in a bun!

P.S.  Covid has only strengthened the relationship between these two guys.  Mom and I are always looking online for a house with no HOA and 1/4 acre of space.  Yesterday the boys helped me look and then we extended our search to include a pool and the price had no limit.  We found a perfect one for only $3M ... then when I said let's each pick our bedroom, they looked at me in shock ... we want to SHARE a bedroom, Gramma! We can each have a room for own to have our clothes and toys but we always sleep together so we can whisper.

When I went in to say goodnight, little guy was asking big guy to pull his bed closer ....


  1. That is a great idea for the kids cooking! What imaginations and creativity in that fruit plate! I hear you about the hair. I am loving being able to just pull my hair back in a pony or bun. So much easier!

    1. I was fine using a ball cap and pulling my hair thru the opening in the back! It IS much easier!

  2. So cool to see young people take such an interest in all things kitchen related. I'm still not there but wish I was.

    A lot of covid-19 hair changes going on around the country. I wish mine was long enough for a bun, I can rock a headband now, though.

    1. We may put salons out of business if we get accustomed to dealing with long hair! Save us some $$ as well.

  3. Love the look of that fruit salad! And how cool with the boys making dinner for you all! Parents are great with what they are teaching them! You are looking great! I got my hair cut today, first time in 6 months. My hair is so thick when it gets long it makes my neck so hot. Felt good to get 3 inches of it chopped off.




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