Thursday, April 14, 2016


My poor tired brain is on overload.

I volunteered to work 3 days a week at Na Hoaloha in the office because the full time worker quit April 1 (no joke!).  My understanding is that I would help out for a couple of weeks while they interviewed replacements.  I helped out last year about this same time of year when they were test driving new software to match drivers with clients needing services.  

We three get along just great and I was flattered when they offered me the job!  Good salary AND reimbursement for my health insurance ($628/month right there!).  I'd have to give up my $1,000/month Social Security and who knows the red tape that will involve.  Then getting it back again when I retire (again).  I've been mulling it over ... but really do not want to work full time.  I counter offered with a part time rate ... it was rejected.

Now they have decided to not fill the full time position.  I'm not wanting to volunteer on a permanent basis.  I love love love the work.  (They ended up buying a different software system which is a real learning process, interrupted continually with phone calls from clients needing rides or visits.)  Being a nonprofit the office is small and antiquated.  The equipment (desk, chairs, file cabinets) are horrible!  (Although they did rush out and get me a new chair.  The other one would slowly sink to the ground and need to be pumped up.)  One drawer won't even open.  One drawer will open on occasion after many prayers and attempts.

Today was my Friday!  TGIF!!  I gathered up the energy to go to Verizon to upgrade my phone (and am gifting my old one to the UNson-in-law for his birthday in June)(early ... he has Ralph's old iPhone 4!)  My brain was not able to comprehend their new way of upgrading as well as all the sales pitches for everything else (have you heard of Hum?  Another blog!!)  It took an hour and then I have the 30 minute drive home.  Thank goodness for NPR.

So much to reload or restore to get new phone up and running as smoothly as the old one.  I'm exhausted.

P.S.  And I caught a mouse at the office ....


  1. But I did take a phone call from my grandson!!! Family first!

  2. Hope you slept in today! Darn I wish they'd gone for your part time counter-offer. Best of both worlds! After all, burning you out is like sawing off the limb everyone is sitting on.

    Enjoy your TGIF!

    1. Mmm. I did sleep in ... and awoke with the beginning of a wicked cold! It's all around me, one person in the office has it and I sit right under the a/c unit. I've got a hot date tomorrow night so I will head to the drugstore to mask the symptoms (I did warn them so they had opportunity to bag out)

      I LOVE that last sentence!!

  3. Boy, you sure are on overload. I agree, full time is too much. You wouldn't have enough time for other things. Yikes on the mouse!

    1. PLUS ... the Maui HOA work is getting busier and busier. Before work one morning we drove to the irrigation pump to decide how to keep the occasional Kihei rain OFF ... it shorts out every time it rains!

      We are rewriting our Neighborhood Guidelines as well as all of our governing documents (altho have hired lawyers to do that). No one had an electronic version so we had to convert and while that is 80% accurate and well formatted .... I'm diddling through the rest.

  4. Good call not to go off Social Security to take a full time job. I'd be afraid they'd change the rules, up the age of retirement on you before you get back on.

    Did you decide to stay in Maui all the time now?

    By the way, I'm having trouble activating my new phone, too. Very frustrating!

  5. I thought I replied to this post once. I must be getting more forgetful than I thought!

    You sure know how to keep busy! I can't image wanting to be tied down to a paying job if you don't really need the money. With volunteering you don't have the same kinds of pressures.

    1. You are not forgetful (this time!). I don't know how to ""publish" from my phone .... then I FORGOT to post it next time I was on computer!!!

  6. As for staying in Maui, I am for 2016. It's a year by year plan, I think. This morning, though, Braeden asked when I was coming to stay at his house .... tug on the old heartstring ...

  7. Why would you have to give up SS? I thought nowadays we were allowed to make up to a certain amount and still get our SS. Dar works and still gets SS.



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