Tuesday, January 12, 2016


My first pair of visitors arrive January 23.  Beth and David have been here several times, although usually when I was not here. But Beth was on the island visiting us at our apartment when we bought the house!

And then each month, through June, friends are coming over to my island.  Some, like Beth, are old hats and don't need much of my time.  Others have never been so I can be a tour guide!  If they want to do things that I have already done one too many times, I can give them directions and let them have fun.

We will have lots of coffee and conversation on the back lanai.  Hopefully we will share a dinner or two out there as well.  MMMMmmmm .... and then the wine evenings!

What I am thinking right now is that I am not going to have as much time to blog.  Actually I can't believe I've been posting at least 5 days a week for over two years!  You have probably read more about me, my challenges, my joys and just plain babbling.

I'm going to post just once a week for a while.  What do you think?  Sunday night?  Hump Day?  Monday morning?


  1. I'd never make a good islander because I would hate having that much company. But you thrive on it so it's all good.

    As for what day to post--- When I went to twice a week instead of almost daily I set my days as "mid week" and "on the weekend" which gives me more flexibility to meet my goal. I'd recommend you do the same as in just say you'll post the first or end of the week or on the weekend---pick one then stick to it faithfully. That way you have a three day window to post without letting yourself or your readers down.

    1. I make sure to have two weeks of alone time in between guests. This is the first year I've had so many coming so we shall see! But really, all of these guests are easy peasy....and fun to be around.

      Good advice on posting schedule ... although I always wish you would post every day ....

  2. I agree with Jean.. Leave yourself enough wiggle room, but not so much we are left out of the loop! ...at least come back weekly for my weekly hug

    1. Weekly it is. And I hope yours is also weekly! Or more frequent!!!

  3. I would say that's not enough because I'll miss you, but I've been terrible about posting or even reading blogs for the last month. I have no room to complain. I agree with everyone above. Pick a couple of days and go with it. Enjoy your company.



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