Sunday, July 31, 2022

52 YEARS and 52 POUNDS

My high school in Columbus, Ohio just had our 50th class reunion two weeks ago.  It was postponed twice due to Covid so it was really our 52nd reunion of graduation.  I started attending class reunions at our 20th.  My parents and most siblings still lived there so I had two reasons to fly back as well as a free place to stay and a car to borrow.

This year I chose to NOT attend.  Air travel is such a mess currently.  Almost every flight has a delay and missed connection.  It is way more expensive and I'm just too crabby to put up with flying.  People are so rude, flight attendants overworked and Covid germs are everywhere.

Surprisingly we sold 85 tickets (class of 175 or so)(yes, I'm on the planning committee with my computer skills ... making invites, doing mass emails and updating our list with current addresses, emails and phone numbers). At the last minute, 5 people tested positive for Covid.  

A classmate put together a slide show and asked for a current photo and my buddies always make a huge poster so they wanted one as well.

(Yes, I was a beanpole in my youth!)

After seeing the Planning Committee group photo, I have been hit with a moment of vanity!!  Although when I looked up the definition, it's not really vanity ... just a nudge to put me over the edge to go back to being blonde again.

We are all 70 this year ... but one really looks it!

I've been thinking about it since May, when my sister and family came out for the big 7-0 birthday.

I know I'm 8 years older, but I don't need to LOOK it!

I'll post the new blonde Awkward Widow IF I like the look.  Stylist doesn't think we need to do a weave of different shades of blond (as I've done in the past) and is doing an all over color.

Stayed tuned.



  1. I think your hair looks great just as it it. But the blondes around here seem to struggle more with this question than do the brunettes who went gray.

    1. I think dark hair that goes grey does look better ... depth? My new golden blonde is just perfect for me. We are hoping the grey roots stay camouflaged for at least six weeks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I turned 70 last year, 71 this year. My 50th high school reunion was in 2019 but in California and I don't travel that well these days. I have leg and back walking issues. Hair-wise I'm letting my hair gray naturally, but I still have a lot of brown with some white streaks around my face.
    I do love seeing what people our age are doing via social media, including blogs. It's reassuring to see even the ones who are doing much better than I and still look younger too.

    1. Hi Debbie ~ Blonds don't gracefully go grey. I tried it but I sure am loving the blond again. I hate traveling with all the lines and hoops you have to jump through. So glad I was lucky enough to accompany my hubs on business trips all over the world. I'm on FB as JB Lockhart so come visit there also!

      Good health is the key to life, I think. I'm a slug and hate to exercise. But the time has come if I ever want to get rid of some of those 52 pounds!

      How did you find my blog! Come back soon!

  4. Well, "hi" to another former Buckeye. I was in Columbus late '50s thru mid-'60s at WLWC-TV. I've long been a proponent for natural aging and still am. Broke my heart when my natural red-hair started darkening, then began to whiten and is mostly a mix now. I never wanted to be bothered with having to do anything other than shampoo and cut my hair. I'm even allowing my hair to grow long for now. I think you look fine, but whatever suits your fancy and how you want to spend your time.

    1. Well, who knew two Buckeyes would meet in cyber space! I loved saving the time and money but I must have a vain streak in there somewhere! I can always change my mind and return to grey!



This will be my last blog. My heart is not in it, I struggle to find topics and readership is half of what it used to be.  If I have a negat...